Cabin fever, anyone? While we're all about improving the homes of our customers. Right now, construction on certain projects is on hold because of the current world health status. Whether that means that your home "edits" are on pause or you're just stuck at home because of work, we have some simple, beginner-friendly ideas that can help you bring some springtime brightness to your home. NEW LIGHTSWITCH COVERS This is one the the easiest and cheapest ways (aside from a fresh coat of paint!) to make your home feel like a fresh new reno. Whether yours are old and yellowed, cracked, or simply dated in colour, a set of new lightswitch covers throughout your home is a breath of fresh air. Most covers only require 1-4 simple screws to replace and can be found on Amazon so that you can keep your distance from hardware store patrons. Newer options can even integrate your Alexa or snap onto the wall instead of screw in. PAINT TOUCH-UPS Yes, a new coat of paint is an incredible way to completely change a room. Fresh paint is simple, obvious, and a way to add (or remove) personality from a home. With that being said, we know how much of a pain taping and painting can be, as well as how easy it is to run out of brushes and need to rush out. If you want to take the even easier route, our secret contractor tip is touch-ups! If you have small dots and nooks, the tip of a clean Q-Tip or cotton swab is a way to update that spot without making it look obvious! The texture of Q-Tips is so similar to a paint roller that the spot quickly vanishes without lines like you'd get using a brush! PAINT YOUR TRIM This one isn't for the faint of heart, but is one that non-professionals can certainly tackle! With a little patience, a little trim, and a bucket of paint, you can make your whole home look like it's from a different decade. White trim is still very current in modern design, and taking honey oak or brown trim and painting it white can entirely change the look of a home. We'd suggest asking a pro or looking up some tutorials online, as some folks like to paint the trim while it is on the wall and others remove it prior to painting. Be sure you're ready and remember which pieces go where by marking them on the backside and get cracking! STOP THE SQUEAK Check your home for squeaks and oil them up! This small annoyance being solved can be such an incredible relief. Think door hinges, fridge, dishwashers, door jambs and floorboards. Stair steps can be a next-level culprit, but if you're able, fixing this is a great way to avoid being blamed for the chocolate chip cookies being eaten as a midnight snack! THAT NAGGING PROJECT You know, that one? The one that you see almost daily but keep neglecting? The broken door on the garbage bin, the door that squeaks, or that piece of trim that needs a new nail in it? That project! Not the ambitious build-a-deck project (though, there's no time like the present!), but the simple projects that take 20 minutes to fix but you keep pushing off? Address them! Most of the population is now spending more time at home, and while we're not saying it has to be all productivity and no chicken wings, we think a mix of both would be great! We're all in this together. When we come out on the other side and you need a contractor for the heavier work, we can help!
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